Saturday, January 2, 2010

꿀을 먹은 벙어리

잔디: 아니 뭐 저런 미친놈이 다 있어? 그리고 이것 다들 꿀먹은거 아냐? 왜 다 가만있...
How come such crazy guys exist? And are all these people deaf and dumb? Why are they keeping silence?

This is ep 1 again, shortly after Gujunpyo spilled a bottle of juice on another boy's shirt.

다들 꿀먹은거 아냐 (haven't they all eaten honey?) is actually wrong, it's Jandi's version of 꿀을 먹은 벙어리 (a dumb person who's eaten honey), which means that a person knows about something but keeps silence about it, and this makes him or other people suffer.
The story behind this idiom is as follows: once there was a dumb man whose stomach was upset because he's eaten too much honey. His wife saw he was sick and asked him what happened, so he pointed to a jar of honey. The wife thought that he was asking for some honey to relieve his pain, so she gave him some honey with water. I think you can guess what happened next.
My bf told me a different story, though - he says that it's about a baby who's eaten too much honey and is suffering from stomach pain but cannot tell his mom about that because he's afraid to be punished. Either way it makes me wonder if overindulging in honey is really so dangerous for your stomach. No way I would try it myself though ^.^

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